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How to get Barrow-Dyad and Catalyst in Destiny 2

A very unique-looking SMG is on the way

Destiny 2 barrow-dyad
Credit: Bungie

Destiny 2 Episode: Heresy introduced brand-new weapons, including the Barrow-Dyad exotic SMG. From the design to the perks, Bungie is definitely going crazy with some of the concepts present in this particular submachine gun.

Grinding new exotics is the most exciting part of a new Destiny 2 update, so naturally, fans will be quick to try and get their hands on the Barrow-Dyad SMG.

Let's break down everything you need to know to get your hands on the Strand SMG Barrow-Dyad.

How to get Barrow-Dyad in Destiny 2

To get your hands on the Barrow-Dyad exotic SMG, you'll need to complete The Taken Path exotic quest. In fact, you'll also need to do three Legendary quests and an exotic mission to boot, called Derealize. We've linked our guides to each quest so check those out if you need some help.

It's a lengthy but extremely unique adventure you'll need to set out on to get the Barrow-Dyad. The reward will be worth it.

Barrow-Dyad SMG perks

The Barrow-Dyad already is unique both in design and function, with some bizarre perks. Here's the full break down of perks and stats for you to keep an eye on:

The Barrow-Dyad inspection screen in Destiny 2

The Barrow-Dyad has a unique design

  • Damage type: Strand
  • RPM: 720
  • Magazine: 35

As for the two perks, these are:

  • Taken Divergence: Hitting three different targets generates a large amount of blight. Blighter Seekers bore through targets
  • Panic Response: This weapon generates blight as it deals damage. While not firing, blight depletes, and the magazine is gradually refilled. Reload the weapon to convert stored blight into Blight Seekers

Barrow-Dyad Catalyst

The Barrow-Dyad has four Catalysts, available via the Dyadic Ascension exotic mission. We have a complete guide on the mission as well, so be sure to check it out.

And that's all we know about the Barrow-Dyad SMG at this moment. For more Destiny 2 content, check out everything you need to know about the Star Wars collaboration set to drop with Episode: Heresy.