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Rainbow Six Siege X: All modernized maps available at launch

Several maps are getting a facelift

Modernized Bank exterior in Rainbow Six Siege X
Credit: Ubisoft

Rainbow Six Siege X brings a big overhaul to Ubisoft's tactical shooter, which includes the release of modernized maps. Some of your favorite areas and maps from the 2015 title are getting relaunched to adapt better to the game's new era.

We have all the intel about the modernized maps available at launch, so you make sure to check them out.

What are modernized maps?

Modernized maps are not reworks, instead, they are new versions where all the visuals have been updated to look better. This includes new textures and lighting, making some areas look better than before.

On top of that, modernized maps are adapted to be compatible with new gameplay mechanics, like the new destructibles such as fire extinguishers, pipes, and metal detectors.

All modernized maps available at launch

These are all the modernized maps that will be available when Siege X launches:


Rainbow Six Siege X Bank modernized


Rainbow Six Siege X border modernized


Rainbow Six Siege X chalet modernized


Rainbow Six Siege clubhouse modernized

Kafe Dostoyevsky

Rainbow Six Siege X kafe modernized

These won't be the only maps getting updated as Ubisoft also confirmed each season will bring three new modernized maps.

If you want to stay up-to-date with all the news about Rainbow Six Siege X, don't forget to bookmark the site and follow us through our social media pages.