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Rainbow Six Siege X Dual Front: Everything we know about the new 6v6 mode

Ready for a new challenge?

Rainbow Six Siege X Dual Front official art
Credit: Ubisoft

Rainbow Six Siege X is set to kick start a new era of Siege, bringing several gameplay updates. However, Rainbow Six Siege X isn't just about improving but also about innovating, and that's exactly what Ubisoft has done in the game's first-ever 6v6 game mode, Dual Front

After trying out Dual Front in a private session as well as live from Atlanta, Georgia, here's everything you need to know about it!

What is Dual Front?

Dual Front is a 6v6 game mode that will be introduced as part of the Rainbow Six Siege X update.

Rainbow Six Siege X Dual Front hostage rescue

In this brand-new experience, players attack and defend simultaneously in the biggest map ever released to the game.

To win a Dual Front match, teams must take as much map control as possible. However, it's not just about gaining but also protecting: you must defend your territory while conquering the opponent's sites. To take over an enemy bomb site, teams must plant and protect the defuser. Easy, right?

While a Dual Front match can last up to 30 minutes, games don't usually reach that amount of time as they tend to last between 20 and 25 minutes.

When is Dual Front coming out?

Given that the new gamemode is part of the Rainbow Six Siege X content update, which will be released in Year 10 Season 2, Dual Front is set to go live in June 2025.

How does Dual Front work?

As we mentioned above, Dual Front is a game mode where teams are expected to attack and defend at the same time. But, how does that work?

Well, teams will have three sectors to protect and three sectors to defend. The sectors to defend are in the blue lane and the sectors to attack are in the red lane. Each lane is exactly the same in terms of map design, but the aesthetic of each lane is slightly different.

When a Dual Front match begins, players have time to reinforce their sectors as well as plan their attacking strategies. The preparation phase lasts for one minute.

After that time, the action phase begins and each team can move around their respective blue lane freely as well as one specific enemy sector. On the map, this is shown in a lighter color. Invading the red lane for over three seconds will instantly kill you.

The middle part of the map is a neutral area. This zone is open to everyone, so you have to be very careful. At some point during the match, the neutral area hosts a special event where teams can rescue Dokkaebi as if they were rescuing a hostage.

After dying, players can respawn in one of their assigned areas, and they can also swap to another operator if they wish to, as this is not locked at any moment during a game.

Attackers and defenders to work together

One of the features that make Dual Front a unique game mode is that, for the first time, Rainbow Six Siege attackers and defenders will work together. For instance, teams will be able to combine a Nomad with an Azami, or protect an active defuser with hidden Smoke canisters.

Logically, this opens the door to many operator combinations that have never been seen before. Therefore, we encourage you to explore Dual Front as soon as the game mode's doors open!

Which operators are available in Dual Front?

Although Dual Front allows players to combine attackers with defenders, not all operators have been added to the game. There are multiple reasons to explain Ubisoft's decision.

First and most important, Ubisoft wants to rotate the operator pool to refresh the Dual Front experience. Every month, Ubisoft will make changes to what operators can be used in this game mode, forcing players to adapt and find newer and better operator combinations.

Second, there are some operator gadgets that would simply be too strong or need some tweaks before being released to Dual Front. An example would be Lion, whose scan would affect all of the map.

It's also important to mention that some gadgets have been adapted so they don't negatively affect the players' Dual Front experience.

What maps are available?

At the moment, Dual Front only has one map called District. This map is larger than a traditional Siege map and features two parallel sides, one for the opposing team where you will be attacking to complete objectives and another one for the allied team where you will be defending.

Ubisoft stated that the map is designed to receive changes with future updates, meaning it won't stay the same forever.

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