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Destiny 2 Keraunios god roll and how to get

Lock in to the Guardian Games

Keraunios trace rifle
Credit: Bungie

The Guardian Games are back in Destiny 2. This time, they bring a new Arc trace rifle. Let's break down how to get yourself a Keraunios god roll.

Like every year, Guardian Games brings a mix of returning and brand-new toys for players to mess around with. This year is no different, with things such as the Taraxippos scout rifle, The Title SMG, and even the Allstar Vector skimmer making a return.

For diligent players who've been around for previous years, the highlight will be the new Keraunios trace rifle. With this type of weapon receiving plenty of buffs via the Episode: Heresy Artifact, you'll definitely want to consider getting yourself a god roll.

How to get the Keraunios trace rifle

To obtain a Keraunios trace rifle in Destiny 2, you'll need to play Guardian Games activities. New for this year is Rushdown, a boss rush mode featuring bosses from campaigns, seasonal content, and exotic missions.

Keraunios Destiny 2

The Keraunios looks like a beast for PvP

Doing three bosses in a single run guarantees a Guardian Games weapon drop, giving you a chance at obtaining the Keraunios. Alternatively, you can play in the exclusive PvP playlist during the Guardian Games to earn rewards.

The Event Challenges include a guaranteed Keraunios drop as well. Simply earn and deposit a medallion to complete the challenge and earn the weapon, alongside some handy Enhancement Cores.

Finally, completing the first step in the Best in Class quest will give you the Keraunios trace rifle.

Do note you need to equip the Guardian Games class item for rewards to drop (you can also use it as an ornament if you don't want to mess with your stats). If you haven't done it, talk to Eva Levante, and she'll hand you the necessary item, depending on your class.

Keraunios god roll

The Keraunios is an Adaptive Frame trace rifle, meaning that controlling it won't be too hard. It can also pack a punch, and with the right perks, aiming with it will be like shooting a precise laser at your enemies.

Keraunios PvE god roll

  • Column 1: Corkscrew Rifling, Fluted Barrel
  • Column 2: Enhanced Battery
  • Column 3: Eddy Current
  • Column 4: Jolting Feedback

Keraunios PvP god roll

  • Column 1: Hammer-Forged Rifle
  • Column 2: Projection Fuse
  • Column 3: Dynamic Sway Reduction
  • Column 4: Closing Time

And that's all you need to know. By the looks of things, the Keraunios looks like a must-have for PvP, while being a solid fun choice for Arc builds in PvE.