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ESL Rainbow Six BeNeLux League Season 1 Week 1-3 Roundup

The ESL Rainbow Six BeNeLux League is a new league run by ESL and Ubisoft. Here is a recap of the last 3 weeks of play.

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The ESL Rainbow Six BeNeLux League is a new league run by ESL and Ubisoft for players who are 16 and over. Each team must have a minimum of 3 players from BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg). As this is the first season, each of the 8 teams participating had to go through an Online Qualification and Playoff stage.

The teams that qualified are: Team Demise: Erkkari, KS, Kabouter, Stead, Theo Trust Gaming: Avaiche, Snuf, Craxan, Aizy, Leonski. (for the first two weeks this team played under the Org gBots Academy) Flash Point: Deapek, Deox, Fml., Maunikrip, PRESIDENT Initio Gaming: Easy, Lars, ScorpZ., Snuf., TijgerB Auxilium: Anthoox, HzDef, Vida, Welshyy, machmichlauter Remote Controlled BeNeLux: Jeff, PRO, R3D, RengusTM, UNIQU3 Big Guns: Farooq, Hikky, Ma3lish, itsYakko, oHxF Defusekids: Gomfi, Korey, Quadzy, fRYKY, risze. Each week, all 8 teams play with 2 games being streamed and 2 not being streamed. So far, 3 weeks of play have passed so I have rounded up all the games for you here. Week 1 - 2nd May 2018 The first game saw Team Demise come up against Trust Gaming on Chalet and Consulate. Border would have been the decider if Team Demise had not won Chalet 6 rounds to 5, and Consulate 5 rounds to 1. This meant Team Demise took the series 2 maps to 0. The second game had Initio Gaming take on Flash Point on Oregon and Chalet. Once again, the game did not go to its decider map of Consulate due to Flash Point taking Oregon 5 rounds to 2, and Chalet 6 rounds to 5. Flash Point won the series 2 maps to 0. The third game of the night brought us Auxilium vs Remote Controlled BeNeLux. For the third time, we only saw two maps, Oregon and Chalet, both of which were won by Auxilium by score of 6-4 and 5-0 respectively. Border would have been the decider map. The final game of the week would have been Big Guns vs Defusekids. However, Defusekids failed to show up for the match and therefore Big Guns were awarded the series 2 maps to 0. Week 2 – 9th May 2018 The second week brought us Auxilium vs Defusekids, which took place on Oregon and Kafe, with Club House being the unplayed decider map. Defusekids won both maps 5-3, and therefore the series 2 maps to 0. The second game of the day was between Big Guns and RCB. However, RCB did not show up for this match and as in the previous week, Big Guns were awarded a 2 map to 0 victory. The third game was between Team Demise and Flash Point, and it would be the first 3 map series of the league. The teams first played Chalet, which went in favour of Flash Point 5 rounds to 0. Demise then won Consulate 6 rounds to 5. The decider map was Border, where Flash Point took the map 6 rounds to 4, and the series 2 maps to 1. The final game of the week was between Initio Gaming and Trust Gaming. It was back to normal programming, it seemed, with the 2-map series going in favour of Trust Gaming. The team won 5 rounds to 2 on Coastline, and then 5 rounds to 3 on Skyscraper. Consulate was the unplayed decider map. Week 3 – 16th May 2018 Game 1 had Trust Gaming take on Big Guns in a 3-map brawl. Trust Gaming won on Border 5 rounds to 3, but Big Guns answered back by taking Chalet 5 rounds to 1. The final map of Coastline was won 5 rounds to 0 by Trust Gaming, giving them the series 2 maps to 1. The second game was between Auxilium and Flash Point, who played on Oregon and Border. As Flash Point won both maps 5 rounds to 2, Club House was not played, and Flash Point won 2 maps to 0. Demise then faced Defusekids in the 3rd game of the evening. Defusekids started off by winning on Oregon 6 rounds to 4. Demise answered back by taking Consulate 5 rounds to 2. The 3rd map Border also went in favour of Demise, 6 rounds to 4, giving them the series 2 maps to 1. The final game saw Initio and RCB face off. Both teams were yet to win a single series going into this game. Unfortunately for RCB, their losing streak would continue when Initio Gaming won Oregon 5 rounds to 0, and Consulate 6 rounds to 4. Coastline was the decider map that was not played, as Initio took the series 2 maps to 0. After 3 weeks of play the current standings are:

Week 4 will take place on the 23rd of May and will have Demise vs RCB and Initio vs Defusekids being streamed here. Big Guns vs Flash Point and Auxilium vs Trust Gaming will take place off-stream.