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Everything you need to know about The Dawning in Destiny 2

One last event to close out the year

Destiny 2 Guardians using The Dawning armor
Credit: Bungie

There's one final event to close out the year in Destiny 2: The Dawning. If Festival of the Lost wasn't to your liking, then perhaps a more jolly seasonal event is right up your alley.

While not everything is known about the 2024 edition, Bungie has already revealed some details about this year's format and rewards players will be able to chase.

So, let's break down everything we know about The Dawning in 2024 so don't miss out on everything the final event of the year in Destiny 2 has to offer.

Destiny 2 The Dawning 2024 start date

Bungie has confirmed that The Dawning will begin on December 10. This means it will kick off just a couple of weeks after Episode: Revenant Act II begins.

Expect the event to last roughly three weeks, ending on Tuesday, December 31.

The Dawning 2024 weapons and armor

During the recent Episode: Revenant Act II livestream, Bungie revealed a brand-new weapon that players will be able to obtain during this year's Dawning event: the Mistral Lift linear fusion rifle.

Destiny 2 The Dawning weapons

A new Void linear fusion rifle

Here's some key info about the weapon:

  • Archetype: Adaptive Burst: Fires a three-round burst
  • Element: Void
  • Charge Time: 533
  • Magazine: 6
  • Origin Trait: Defeating targets awards a Dawning gift. Defeated powerful targets count as more than one

According to, the weapon has some interesting perks in its pool including Reconstruction, Frenz, and High-Impact Reserves.

Do expect weapons from previous years to also make a return with updated perk pools, such as Glasioclasm.

As for armor, this year players will be able to obtain dragon-themed armor. You'll be able to purchase it with Silver, the game's premium currency, or Bight Dust, an earnable currency in-game.

Dragon armor Destiny 2

Dragon-themed armor? Why not

The Dawning 2024 activities

Bungie hasn't confirmed what will be the main gameplay loop of The Dawning in 2024. Do expect it to not divert too much from previous years.

This means you will likely be tasked with baking cookies, gathering various ingredients from each location, and delivering those baked goods to NPCs to earn rewards.

And that's all we know about The Dawning so far. For more content, check out how to get the Exuviae hand cannon and its god roll.