Today, during the BLAST R6 Major Montreal grand finals, Ubisoft unveiled all of the changes that will be introduced to Rainbow Six Siege in Operation Collision Point.
While Blackbeard's rework has stolen the show, he's not the only operator being balanced in Operation Collision Point as Sens and Ying's gadgets have also been tweaked.
While Sens device has been buffed, Ying's Candelas have been nerfed. Here's everything you need to know about all of the operator balancing changes that will be introduced to Rainbow Six Siege in Operation Collision Point!
Ubisoft is introducing some important updates to nerf shields in Operation Collision Point. Overall, defenders will be able to fight against shields. The updates include:
- Melee priority for shields has been removed.
- Consecutive guard backs will expose the user behind the shield, even Montagne when his shield is fully deployed!
- Shields don't deal damage anymore.
- Suppression will be easier to trigger as the number of bullets needed to trigger it has been reduced from ten to five.

As revealed in the Y9S3.3 Designer's Notes, Sens is currently the lowest-played attacker in Platinum and above PC lobbies. The Belgium attacker also owns the worst win delta across the top ranks of the game.
To improve her position in the game, Ubisoft is introducing a buff to Sens' R.O.U. Projector System. Here's what has been changed in Sens' gadget:
- Warden and Bulletproof Cameras won't be able to see through Sens' R.O.U. Projector System's walls anymore.
- Sens will be able to turn on and off their deployed R.O.U. Projector Systems.
With 15 attackers in the game who have access to smoking gadgets, players have many alternatives to create a smoke cloud while also bringing more meta-focused operator devices. The changes made to Sens' R.O.U. Projector System should finally create a clear difference between their gadget and the standard smoke grenade.
Additionally, with Sens being able to turn on and off their R.O.U. Projector Systems, the attackers will be able to create different strategies around Sens' gadget. One that could work out is deploying the R.O.U. Projector System in both sites and then triggering them at the same time to confuse defenders, who won't be able to immediately know what site the attackers are pushing.
Other important aspects to keep in mind of Sens' gadget:
- Each Sens R.O.U. Projector System can be turned on for 13 seconds.
- Sens' R.O.U. Projector Systems can be destroyed with explosives.
Despite Sens being able to turn on and off their R.O.U. Projector Systems, the battery of the device won't have a recharge system. For instance, if Sens uses a R.O.U. Projector System for 10 seconds before they turn it off, that R.O.U. Projector System's remaining battery life will be 3 seconds.
Overall, the buff to Sens' device will allow the Belgian attacker to be even more versatile. Only time will tell if Ubisoft's changes are enough to improve Sens' position inside Rainbow Six Siege's meta.
Ubisoft is nerfing Ying with Operation Collision Point by adding a two-second delay before Ying's Candelas detonate.
Right now, players can cook Ying's Candelas. Although they will still be able to do so, Ubisoft's two-second delay after cooking the Candela to its maximum will allow defenders to destroy the gadget by shooting at it.
While this nerf may not feel like much, this will give defenders a solid alternative to prevent Ying from pushing the site.