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SiegeGG 2.0 Release

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Hey folks!

Kev here. I'm the Head Developer at SiegeGG.

A little over a month ago, we experienced a huge, devastating data loss caused by—among other reasons—a lack of backup policy on our part. All of our source code, database entries, and settings were erased, and we were greeted with a malfunctioning site in the morning. After numerous tries to extract the data from older backups, we came to the point where had to make a decision: Do we reconstruct the old site, or build a new one from scratch? As I'm sure you've already noticed, we decided to cut our losses and go all in on a new website. It was clear that having only one web developer (me) who only knows a bit about UI/UX is not ideal, so we began our search for Developers to join our team. Since then, our team has grown, and we've been working hard on a recode of the site.

Our first goal for the recode was to present you with a simpler, more readable news section. We also wanted to display matches, both upcoming and past in an easy-to-access format that would provide real value to our users. As we worked, we quickly realized that the scope of our dream website was becoming larger and larger every day. For our version 2.0 launch (today!), we are launching the following features:

dohnutt being a professional UX / front-end developer created the full front-end (everything from colors to site/component appearance). We basically owe him the look of the site. Another developer—who is actually a member of the stats team—is Chrispe. He worked closely with AdraMelekXIV—another terrific member of the stats team—to structure our database, giving us a robust platform for handling statistics. All three of these people invested so much time in the SiegeGG recode, especially the days before the launch, although they might have let sleep slide while working for SiegeGG. I am very proud that they are that dedicated to SiegeGG. Here is a <3 for you.

We've learned a lot from our outage last month, and we're happy to be back and better than ever. We look forward to continuing to build a proper home for the Rainbow Six Siege esports community.